Fayetteville TN Boudoir

How did you hear about Whitney Browning Boudoir? : Former client

Why did you choose Whitney Browning Boudoir for your session? : Her images of other clients were so beautiful and tasteful that I knew if I was going to do this very scary thing. It had to be her.

What were your fears coming into the session? : I would hate the images. My weight was too much even for Whitney.

Did those fears come true? : Hell to the no!

What was your favorite part of the experience and why? : The ability to see myself in a way that I never had before. I was blown away by this smart, sexy woman looking back at me.

How did you feel DURING your session? : A little timid at first but quickly got over it. We laughed. ALOT!

How did you feel seeing your images for the first time?: I was almost in tears. I couldn't believe it was me.

Do you feel like you have a better relationship with your body since your session?: Oh. Absolutely.

What will you do in the future to show yourself some self-love? : Try not to be so hard on myself mostly.

Would you ever do another session?: Yes, please! When I build up my savings. Lol

Do you have any advice for women interested in booking a boudoir session?: Do it!

Whitney Browning