Are you putting off this experience because you’re afraid of that what it will be like ?
Don’t worry, I got you girl.
I admit, I am not the best at behind the scenes so let me tell you a little bit about what goes on in the studio.
You’re probably going to think you’ll shit your pants, this has not happened, don’t worry.
You will come into to the studio and immediately be greeted by the biggest smile of my hair and makeup artist, Tabbatha, aka the queen of opening champagne bottles. Hello mimosas.
You’ll be with her for about an hour. After this, you’ll probably have calmed your nerves now, at least a little. We will head upstairs to look at clothing options and sometimes that means trying on different things and walking out to show me like you’re a VS model, don’t be surprised if I yell out a few yassss bish, or oh huuuuuunnyyyy. Just get used to it.
Now you lose your clothes and never look back.
Okay, not really. We start out super simple, easy poses, a little more covered usually. We are breaking down barriers here and it’s not always a fast process, I just go with the flow. I’ll walk you through every single pose, sometimes I will hop on the bed beside you and show you exactly what I want you to do (it’s not as weird as it sounds). Every thing from your facial expressions to your pointed toes, and everything in between- I will help you. The time will actually fly by!
When we are done, I’ll tell you to put real clothes on (ugh. no one ever wants to do this). And it’s so interesting to me, at this point, to watch the change from the women who start out barely wanting me to see their shoulder, to walking around nude, more comfortable than they have been in front of anyone, even themselves.
We eat lunch because that was a workkkk out and you will be starving.
After our little break, you’ll come back for your BIG REVEAL. This is always a fun moment. Some women are screaming OHHH MYYY GOSHHH, IS THAT REALLY MY ASS, some women are crying , while others are completely silent and in shock.
Regardless of how differently each woman reacts, they all move me in ways I can’t explain and remind me why I do this. While I love creating the beautiful images, creating the confidence that will last a lifetime, is so much more to me. The world needs more confident, strong women and I am on a mission to make that happen, one woman at a time.